Today Kaden gets a tube in his left ear! As excited as I am that he will get it as he really needs it; I am so nervous :S
Please keep Kaden in your thoughts today. I hope it goes over well.
Thank you
Yesterday Kaden had an audiology visit at Sick Kids Hospital Toronto; he had a hearing test… He showed a little more of the good stuff we see at home. We are happy that others (professionals) are beginning to see these beautiful little things that show us that Kaden hears and understands what we say.
Today we had a second opinion at McMaster Childrens Hospital Hamilton with an Ear Nose & Throat specialist The specialist that saw him quickly cleaned out his completely blocked left ear… Kaden has had fluid in his left ear consistently probably since birth.. She agreed to do an ear tube in his left ear!! :))
We have been asking for this “ear tube” in only his left hear for over a year at Sick Kids Toronto….very frustrating to get rejected each time….knowing what the damage can be after fluid builds up long term.
Looking forward to this getting done!
We are back home Yay! Bed nice and really to catch up on some much needed sleep. Kaden is much better, still sick and on antibiotics but home and much better!! He was very happy to lose the Iv and come home